Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The (not so) Quiet Life?

When I was thirteen, I thought: "What a nice life", as I looked at my best friend's mother, quilting away in a room full of fabric and scattered strands of thread."

Her husband was a professor, and they lead a nice "quiet" life of contentment and season tickets to the community theater.

Fifteen years later, I did indeed find myself married to a professor, and quilting away.

Had I found my nice quiet life of contentment?

Hmmmmm...That is a long story. It didn't actually turn out quite like that...Contentment?

Needles...opps...I mean needless to say, another fifteen years later I am still quilting. I am also raising a son on my own.

I am a dedicated yogi, and instead of a life of classical music, or masterpiece theater, while I quilt I listen to audio books like David Whyte's: "Clear Mind, Wild Heart, or Eckart Tolle's "A New Earth", as my breathing blends with the rhythm of my thread...Yes, I have found much contentment, though not at all the way I expected.

While there is much to be said for following the mechanized patterns we tend to depend on, the art of piecing life together by hand, permitting slight variations, and a little more than a quarter-inch seam allowance, can often make the biggest difference!